Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Looking for a Good Book

Has anyone read a good book lately? I love getting recommendations for good books. I read The Historian and thought it was pretty good. Also the Thirteenth Tale was really entertaining. I picked up a book the other day and had to stop reading it after the first chapter. It was too sad. So I am looking for something a little on the chipper side. Anyway, if anyone has any recommendations I would love to hear them. Thanks.
This is a picture I took of Tess at the Bradford family reunion last summer. I messed around with it in photoshop. I think it turned out pretty good. Of course she is so dang cute so that helps!


Tara said...

Well, my favorite author is Jack Weyland! A GREAT non-LDS book is called The Lovely Bones BUT... it's not the chipper book that you're looking for. Another great author is Anita Stansfield. My favorite series (that I have actually read) is the First Love and Forever series. You've proabably read all of these if you like to read but, I thought I would pass it along anyway. Goodluck in finding your next read!

Cheryl said...

What are you looking for? The best historical fiction book I ever read was "These Is My Words" by Nancy E. Turner.

Of course, I'm obsessed with Jane Austen. Go read Mansfield Park. (You've read all hers, though, haven't you?)

Girl in Hyacinth Blue is really interesting.

Eat Cake is delightful and a short read.

Kite Runner or A Thousand Splendid Suns are both good books, although dark.

Julie said...

Hey Malinda- I just got done reading A Thousand Splendid Suns. I also have to agree that it is a little sad but has a great ending.

malinda said...

thanks for all your recommendations. I will look into them.