Callie's favorite position is sitting up. If we lay her down she trys to do ab crunches to sit up. I don't think she is going to be rolling over anytime soon, but she will probably be sitting up all on her own with a couple of weeks. If only she liked tummy time. Oh well.
That is the CUTEST picture! Thanks for sharing it with us! Also, thanks for coming over on Sunday! We loved the visit!
She is soo cute!
What a precious pic! she is so beautiful.
What? She is only 3 1/2 months old. I love that picture, she is so cute.
super cute picture!! no need for tummy time if she can sit!
She's sitting up! What! Ok, she's getting way to big! Love the chubbiness!
Really she is soo cute! I love when they sit up it makes it easier for them to play:)
Wow so big!! Crazy how time flies!! She is beautiful!
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