Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sickness...and weird dog

RSV has hit our house. Everyone has gotten sick, but worst of all was poor Callie. I think we are over the worst of it and I am excited for life to get back to normal. So far I have taken Callie to the hospital 4 times. She is fine but I don't trust myself to breathing problems after my niece Madison's collapse lung last summer. I had no idea anything was wrong with her. Well I couldn't help but take this picture of poor Tess. She just looked too sweet.
My dog is weird. I got this new humidifier the other day and Jacquie was freaking out. I think she thought there was fish in it. I watch her for about 10 minutes, circling and sniffing it and finally growling at it. It was pretty funny. I was so tempted to put a gold fish in it, but that is gross.


Meggen said...

Sorry to hear that the girls have been sick! That is no fun. I hope everyone starts to bounce back soon, especially little Callie! Can we help in any way?

Shannon said...

Aaah, I hope Callie is okay. I am so sick of Winter. Bring on summer so are kids and play out in the sprinklers again, eh!

ang said...

hope everyone is better soon!!!

Tammy said...

Yucky sicky! Poor Callie, everythigs a little more scary when they are so little. Hope things get better soon.

The night I had Kylynne and the kids came to the hospital to see me they all came in the room and said that they wanted to name her Callie, I kept telling them that was their cousins name... it took some convincing but they finally agreed on Kylynne:)

Love you guys!!

Sorry Tessa was traumatized by Maxwell pulling her hair the other night:)