Abby and Sydnee at the dinosaur muesum
Maxwell, Abby and Mia
Callie Christmas Present
Callie's Christmas Dress
It was such a wonderful holiday season. Everywhere I went people would comment on ow wonderful it is to have a brand new baby for the Christmas season. That was certainly true. There was definitely a different spirit around. Maybe it was because I got all my shopping pretty much done before Callie was born so I could relax a little, or maybe it was because Callie got to play baby Jesus twice. Once at church and once for the Barnes Family Christmas. Whatever it was it was really nice having such a little one for Christmas. Although I was a little sleep deprived through all of it. The girls loved having a little one at all the Christmas activities. They were just thrilled to see Callie play baby Jesus. It was also so nice to spend time with family. The Waldrons came up and Tessa was so excited to play with Mia and Eva. It was so much fun to hang out and relax with them and the rest of the family. My parents were in town as well and it was nice to see them and enjoy some family dinners with my sisters' families. I am going to miss the season. And now we get to enjoy the cold. Today was the first day back at school and on the way we were guessing how low our thermometer would drop before we got there. I won with 11, Abby thought it would be 7. I think she was more accurate though. It kept dropping on the way home. Oh well. I guess we will have to go sledding a lot. So take that you 70 degree Christmas Texans!!
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